The Beauty of Sindoro Mountain

Indonesia is popular for beauty of its nature. Mountains, shores, temples and much more. Sindoro mountain is one of the fantastic nature, which is located in Temanggung is well known as one of the highest mountain in Central Java.  It faces directly to the Sumbing Mountain. There is no long space between those mountains. As person who loves nature and climbs up mountain, we decided to climb up Sindoro in last 2014 with friends. Thereby we can got experienced and feel united with the nature.
We left for Sindoro on Friday night and came back home on Sunday night. It is not long journey but we were really glad to have experience there. 
We walked calmly and enjoyed all the view around us. First impression was vegetables farming in the right and left side along the paving stone way before we reached post 1. It felt fresh even at night by viewing the ready-to-harvest vegetables. Only then we passed post 1, we walked on the ground, of course natural way in the mountain. Here we viewed the trees or a little natural forest. The natural ambience we got was exciting even though we started to be fatigue. It was seldom to feel in city because of its crowd. In post two , there were our last flat track and we needed to walk with more spirit in the ascending track. We didn’t see much trees anymore because it was a bit barren. 
After couple of hours we reached the peak, a little bit late because sunrise we got only one hour from Sindoro’s peak. Sunrise view in the mountain was greatly amazing.
Sindoro is extremely beautiful especially in the morning when I was able to see Sumbing, Merapi, Merbabu and Lawu Mountain.  To be frank, that was time to be thankful to the God who creates one of beautiful nature. We are so grateful and glad to see. 8 hours-on foot from basecamp was worth it. We spent time for built tent for camping time and got exhausted together. But everything got paid. We believe that we would find something fantastic above there. This supported us to keep walking even though the weather was not too good.
Finally we saw the morning view such as village below the mountain and also Sumbing mountain which is exactly in front of us. While we felt the warmth of morning sun, we prepared breakfast since we were so hungry  While we enjoyed the beautiful view, we realized that we should be thankful for being Indonesian. Indonesian had been blessed with wonderful landscape from Sabang in the west point to Merauke in the east point and from Sangihe in the north point to Rote Island in the south point. 
And the word we could say, How amazing our Indonesia is! What incredible this natural capital in Central Java is!
One of the wonderful mountain was placed in Central Java. Of course that is Sindoro Mountain.  It is totally recommended for natural tourism object in Central java.Someday we have to come back to view Sindoro from the next mountain. Exactly, that is Sumbing Mountain.
How incredible our nature is. Thanks God!!
#travelling #local #Sindoro #Hiking #CentralJava


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