Why should try to be solo traveler?

Have you ever heard about solo traveling? It seems weird for Indonesian cz much people tend to travel in group or at least with a mate. But do you know that actually solo traveling is the best way to assess yourself? To place yourself and to give chance on taking necessary decision when in need. I totally agree cz based on my experience especially the westerns, they like to travel by their selves and it is commonly a habit for them. Still misunderstand? Let’s talk about what the positive points of being solo traveler.
1. You can get to know yourself much better
When you are traveling alone, it means you do something crazy but great. It seems you can talk to yourself when you want to have something in your trip. The best point is you will know your strength and weakness , moreover opportunity and threat will come along your trip. Never pay attention on this! Slowly but surely you can overcome anything that make you trapped in hard situation and any threats come to you unintentionally or suddenly. Actually there are the bad news but beside bad news always lays good news which are you can enjoy any moments you have and special opportunity you could get even though you don’t realize before. Afterwards you should know that you know yourself so well.
2. Being mingle with locals
What does it means “mingle”? It is traveling and not being tourist. Remember that tourist is only for enjoying tourism object without interacting with locals. Traveling means be mingle with local such as taste local foods, talk with locals and so on. No matter what language you master, as long as you can easily adapt, it will be fine even better. You can do it anywhere you are on your trip such as talk to locals in food streets or in food stall, it doesn’t matter. Just believe that everyone welcomes you. One tip, never forget to give your smile as smile is the best language to communicate. Discuss about anything especially about the country you visit, weather, food and could be anything. See the positive respond and sometimes you can feel the wonder behind your interaction. It could be getting free meal, free lodging or maybe free souvenir. If you don’t interact with local while you are doing trip, means you make only a holiday and never call it “traveling”. Don’t be shy because nobody know you before and it is your best chance to make it work.
3. Decide anything you want without any interruption
You travel alone or travel in a group, what is the main difference? Exactly, you should share your mind to other to determine the next destination. When you want to the temple A but your friend tends to choose to the island B, or maybe another friend only desire to find local foods, is it a problem? If you say so, then it is better to go alone means you have only one head or one mind to decide the place or next stop you want to. You don’t need to be follower or make other follow you. Nobody will get forced because none else beside you. Feel free to go anywhere. Visit a temple, then to the island and get some meal if you are hungry. Looks like a freedom in your life, isn’t it?
4. Choose the best decision immediately in urgent condition
Wherever you are, you are forced to decide the necessary one for you, usually in urgent condition. When you are alone on your trip, you have friend or somebody you know well around you, then it will make you challenged to face any problems on your own. For instance, you don’t know how to go to the station and you have no cellphone. You can’t blame anyone if you failed to get to the station, then you have to ask locals, find the ticket and go to the right platform. It could be problem if you are in hurry to catch your train. Sometimes it happened when you wake up late or get trouble on the street then causing you to be late to the station. Just decide to ask the train number to the officer and run for it.
If you don’t do it, never complain for your failure which makes you taking the next train and you should spend extra dollars. So anything depends on you and you have to decide quickly. As people say :
if you don’t move fast in this world then world will leave you behind
5. Be thankful to God of everything you got
You can travel anywhere means that God gives you permission to do. Traveling makes you realize that you are lucky to be one of much people who can see another part of this world. There are much people who can’t feel similar one like you do. That is why it should make you to be thankful to the God. Traveling doesn’t always mean to enjoy the tourism object but sometimes you need to stay quiet in a place and contemplate what you have done or got so far along your trip. Look up to the sky or around your surrounding will make you understand of how big the world is and how amazing is. You will realize after seeing different culture, language, religion and race. You should be proud of being yourself, being your nation citizen and also satisfied after being showed the different part in this world.
Are you still unwilling to travel on your own? Just try it once and you will get addicted badly. Traveling alone doesn’t mean lonely as long as you learn those 5 things in your trip. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your backpack and go somewhere. Happy traveling! 


  1. Bani!! Such a good article! Easy to understand and direct to the point which is good to the reader who want to do solo traveling. I also feel that being solo traveler doesn't mean that I lonely on my trip. Can't wait to know your story when you traveled to India!

    1. Danke bro. Yeah i will write it soon about India trip. I also learn much about traveling from you! :D

  2. who took all your photos ?


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