Welcome to 2015
Are you waiting for 2015? Yess 2015 is imminent!
2014 is gonna leave us. How do yo feel along 2014? Running so good?
What’s your resolution for 2015?
Btw thanks so much for being part of 2014. I got so many I had expected. Graduation, experience, job and so on. Well I am so delighted to be myself on this running year.
Cooking! Yes cooking class was so fantabulous moment where I can explore more deeply my passion in cooking. We do cooking test just like what we have seen in “Master Chef” event. Hahaha we felt the same. To be frank, have a passion in cooking is wonderful. Yeahhhh

Climbing up to Sindoro Mountain.Waow that is great achievement this year. Together with ireng, dimas, disti and donny.You guys are great!
Working as cook and barista also make me person who grabs so many experiences. Wage, connection and perhaps passion I found here. How to cook and present the good food, how to make good coffee and how to serve our customer are gonna be unforgettable moment in my life.
Thank you for café where I work for.
Waow. We speak up our languages! Great to learn so many foreign languages with you guys.

Great struggle for 10 months in progress on minithesis. I can’t imagine I am able to finish. Even I hope to graduate on August or November, but the fact says that I have to graduate on February. Yes okay. Joint with my minithesis partners, Tegar and Winda, you guys are so amazing. You did your best and deserved it. Proud to be your friend and partner guys!! You have graduated on November. Congratulations!! I will come to you on February. Long live Trio Ayam!! *People called our team as trio ayam while we do our minithesis on poultry supply chain* Hahaha

Backpacking? Yeah although only a day in Bandung for twice, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur with family. I was so thankful to travel with you guys. Hopefully we can keep travelling in 2015 and henceforth. Yess I love travelling!!
Finally, I’d like to say my big thanks for you guys who are in 2014. Assisting me to cook, make a coffee, to travel and to finish my minithesis of course hahaha.
Well, bye bye 2014 and welcome 2015. Thank you for being part of 2014. I am so thankful. Thanks God!!
Time to create better trip and life.
Happy New Year! Happy new life! Happy new trip!
Hiphip hurray! *Mr Crab cheers*
2014 is gonna leave us. How do yo feel along 2014? Running so good?
What’s your resolution for 2015?
Btw thanks so much for being part of 2014. I got so many I had expected. Graduation, experience, job and so on. Well I am so delighted to be myself on this running year.

Climbing up to Sindoro Mountain.Waow that is great achievement this year. Together with ireng, dimas, disti and donny.You guys are great!

Thank you for café where I work for.
Waow. We speak up our languages! Great to learn so many foreign languages with you guys.

Great struggle for 10 months in progress on minithesis. I can’t imagine I am able to finish. Even I hope to graduate on August or November, but the fact says that I have to graduate on February. Yes okay. Joint with my minithesis partners, Tegar and Winda, you guys are so amazing. You did your best and deserved it. Proud to be your friend and partner guys!! You have graduated on November. Congratulations!! I will come to you on February. Long live Trio Ayam!! *People called our team as trio ayam while we do our minithesis on poultry supply chain* Hahaha

Backpacking? Yeah although only a day in Bandung for twice, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur with family. I was so thankful to travel with you guys. Hopefully we can keep travelling in 2015 and henceforth. Yess I love travelling!!
Well, bye bye 2014 and welcome 2015. Thank you for being part of 2014. I am so thankful. Thanks God!!
Time to create better trip and life.
Happy New Year! Happy new life! Happy new trip!
Hiphip hurray! *Mr Crab cheers*
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