Tolerance? Really?

In this world, there are some religions and we are already faith on one choice of religion. In Indonesia there are Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism and konghucu (Chinese traditional religion besides Buddha). To live happily we need to be tolerance each other without considering religions. Because every religion teach their people to be kind-hearted person and also respect the others. Perhaps Indonesia is well known as the biggest muslim country and also the most tolerance world.
Actually I agree with statement but I feel something strange since I know that there are “some people” which are too smart or maybe dumb by preventing to defense their religion. Yeah! Muslim as the biggest population here is not good example. I mean that they are fanatic at all to defense and judge the others as an infidel person. How could be? They judge as they think, as their opinion? Based on one side without look at another side?
Shaking head and curious. How could they do that? Are they educated in knowledge and religion? Or only blind fanatism? Oh my God. 
As you know, one ustadz, person who considered know much about Islam, says that “that person” is infidel. It is haram to say “merry Christmas and happy new year”. That is infidel’s ceremony. Behind their statement, a titled book “Udah xxxxxxx xxx” was launced and sold out. By his fans of course. I said “fans” because it is people who has no depth understanding about Islam but only absorbing what they hear and say what he said. Why did he sell book? Whereas he said that to say about is Haram. But he sell book after he said that. Why?? Using his popularity??
Sometimes I ask to my friends and also my self, why should happened? Indonesia is a tolerance country. But “those people” proved that there is no tolerance as of their behavior. 
I do not mean that I dislike the person, but please use your brain. I am also muslim but we live with other religions, nations and also races. We can’t force anything just like what we want only to prove that we defense our religion. Nope. It is totally wrong.
Please do not be that fanatic. Respect to others then you will be respected too. Use your brain, manage any information you hear, know and see from anyone you think as Ustadz, Teacher and so on.
Hey you, you are educated in knowledge and religion, so I suggest you to apply your knowledge besides your religion. Prove what really tolerance is!!


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