Proud to be assessed by AUN

TIP or in english we could mention as Agro-Industrial Technology Department is one of department in Gadjah Mada University. Perhaps one of youngest departement which established in 1987. Yeah quite young compared to our neighbour like Food and Technology, Agriculture Mechanic, etc. Located in Ago-technology Faculty, it grows so fast than others. Seems impossible to see,because not much people who knows what learned here.Meanwhile it grows up, this department will get an accreditation from AUN (Asean University Network). Great! It means that AUN will assess and recognize this departement to be recognized internationally and able to compete with others. As we know that be assessed and recognized by AUN then we are gonna be so proud of what we have and what we do. Proud to be student of GMU, student of Agro-industrial Technology and Indonesian student. Look here for the website AUN

First, we are as student explain to assesors about our department, what we learn here, what will we gain as an outcome, what is the main problem and so on. Just for information, the assesors come from Malaysia and Philipine. Thas is why we have to speak up our english. Speak up! Be brave to speak. yah because most of indonesian students seem reluctant to speak english as foreign language. Why should speak english? No more question about it because we are an academic one and english ability is our must-to do. Students who selected as representative have more chance to speak up. if they will :)
As representative from students who selected, we must tell something real and suppose to raise our strength. While one says our negatives, then the others have to cover with the positive points. For example when we are asked about "study-period". Is this on time? if not, how could it happen? Something wrong? hahaha. As the last-year's students we must be so ashame because our reality is still here. Have not graduated. hehehe 
Well, as we said that we are considered as 'late to graduate' then we have to explain. The problem seems like our face-to-face with lecturer to get our thesis done. Besides our selves problem could be like non-academic activities such as organization, have a job and so on.
The assesors assess our comment or opinion about it for scoring our department. After giving some questions to us and reach satisfactory answers, they look happy. Comparing the real conditions and also the students opinion. Yess no difference so far.Yeah we hope that AUN will give the best score for our department because from my point of view this department deserves to get. Based on the lecturers, facilitates, laboratories, policies and student learning center. Everything became one harmony to serve better and produce the best outcome which is much useful for everyone, the nation and also the world.
Hopefully the high score or maybe the best can lead our department to be better and known internationally not only in Indonesia and Asean but also in international academic community. Besides in 2015 we are going to face Asean Economic Community or EAC, then this way could make us to much prepare before EAC comes. Leading in Asean, in our field and so on will gonna scale up our prestige. Arrogant? hahaha no. It is only a proud we could create by our selves. 
Simple and possible. Right? :)


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