
Showing posts from March, 2015

Belajarlah pada ahlinya Perairan

Negara kecil tapi besar. Itulah julukan yang pantas diberikan pada negara Belanda. Negara yang terletak di eropa barat ini memiliki luas kurang lebih sama dengan provinsi jawa barat. Bandingkan dengan Indonesia yang sangat luas. Minimnya lahan yang ada justru membuat Belanda mencoba memperkenalkan diri mereka kepada dunia melalui beberapa penemuan yang kelak akan membesarkan nama negara mereka. Sebut saja Philips, Frisian Flag dan Shall, yang tentunya kita tidak asing mendengar produk itu. Disamping produk yang popular , Belanda juga terkenal akan berbagai inovasi yang sangat mengagumkan dan bahkan menjadi sumber pembelajaran bagi negara lain di dunia. Bahkan inovasi itu mencakup beberapa elemen penting dalam kehidupan seperti tanah, udara, api dan air.  Contoh pertama yaitu tanah. Tanah yang subur tentunya cocok untuk ditumbuhi berbagai tanaman dan bunga. Hal ini cocok dengan tanah Belanda yang cocok sehingga menjadi habitat bagi berbagai macam jenis bunga. Bahkan Tulip yan...

Ngebolang sendirian? Why not?

Kadang jalan sendiri memang menjadi tantangan seru karena kita bebas nentuin tujuan dan juga budget. Banyak yg bilang aku ini gila atau nekat? Ya emang inilah. Kenapa aku harus ambil solo travelling? Banyak alasan rasional kok kenapa harus cobain solo  travelling. 1. Aku bebas nentuin kemana aja, kapan aja, makan apa dll tanpa ada perbedaan pikiran. Yaiyalah secara cuma ada 1 kepala hahaha 2. Melatih memimpin diri sendiri. Aku harus selalu ngingetin diri buat bangun jam berapa, ke bandara dan stasiun jam berapa, makan jam berapa tanpa ada seorangpun yg bisa ngingetin. Ini saat keputusan yg aku buat berarti penting buat diriku. 3. Me time. Yap inilah kadang butuh me time untuk nenangin pikiran tanpa diganggu siapapun meskipun itu jauh entah dimana 4. Banyak teman yg sudah pengalaman melakukannya bahkan lebih jauh dan ada yg dia itu cewek. Waow berasa kagum juga ada cewek jalan sendiri ke negara antah berantah (y) Sebenarnya banyak juga resikonya tapi kalau gag dicoba bakal ...

Tolerance? Really?

In this world, there are some religions and we are already faith on one choice of religion. In Indonesia there are Islam, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism and konghucu (Chinese traditional religion besides Buddha). To live happily we need to be tolerance each other without considering religions. Because every religion teach their people to be kind-hearted person and also respect the others. Perhaps Indonesia is well known as the biggest muslim country and also the most tolerance world. Actually I agree with statement but I feel something strange since I know that there are “some people” which are too smart or maybe dumb by preventing to defense their religion. Yeah! Muslim as the biggest population here is not good example. I mean that they are fanatic at all to defense and judge the others as an infidel person. How could be? They judge as they think, as their opinion? Based on one side without look at another side? Shaking head and curious. How could they do that? Are they...

Life is a race?

Life is a race. Yes perhaps that’s right. Why did I say that? You know, everybody is created as free creature then they are able to do everything as they wish. We was born, had a childhood, grown up and finale we are going to be adult. Which means we are responsible for our selves. And this time is really defining what will happen for the next. The real challenge we face is after graduation, especially in college. Some waits for graduation as an extraordinary events but they have no idea what to do afterwards. Hahaha looks funny when we are asked, “what you gonna do?” then we are unable to answer. I think this the time to do. Yeah I believe that life is a race or something like competition. How could i? Everyone struggles for their life, future and so on. For instance, they start to work, or continue their college as a master degree or instead PhD. Great! After that, for years we are going reach something that we fight today. I mean, who are going to be who or what? In other way, p...